Online Reservation System:
Software, database & hosting

All commonly used PHP modules,
RAM per script execution

Your Bitpalace Small Enterprise Server's monthly price of includes all common PHP modules, mod_rewrite, allow_url_include and upload functions. Safe mode off.


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Premium support for Bitpalace web hosting customers only!

 from the Dominican Republic: +49 30 32 70 18 92, Fax (in Germany) +49 30 32 70 18 91 

Skype: bitpalast

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Your  Value Web Space supports at least PHP 7.4.33, 8.0.30, 8.1.29, 8.2.23 & 8.3.11 by FastCGI interface for Apache, FPM interface for Apache or FPM interface for Nginx (version and interface freely selectable, can be changed by you at any time). It also supports all popular PHP modules.

  • BCMath
  • BZ2
  • Calendar
  • Chasen
  • CType
  • CURL
  • Date
  • DBA
  • DBase
  • DOM
  • Enchant
  • Ereg
  • EXIF
  • Fileinfo
  • Filter
  • FTP
  • GD
  • Gettext
  • GMP
  • Hash
  • iconv
  • imagick
  • IMAP
  • intl
  • ionCube Loader
  • JSON
  • ldap
  • libxml
  • MBString
  • Mysqli
  • Mysqlnd
  • odbc
  • OpenSSL
  • pcntl
  • pcre
  • PDO
  • PDO_Mysql
  • PDO_pgsql
  • PDO_sqlite
  • Phar
  • Posix
  • PSpell
  • Readline
  • Redis
  • Reflection
  • Session
  • SimpleXML
  • SOAP
  • Sockets
  • Sodium
  • SPL
  • SQLite3
  • sysvmsg
  • tidy
  • Tokenizer
  • XML
  • XMLReader
  • XMLWriter
  • XSL
  • Zend OPCache
  • ZIP
  • ZLIB

URL rewrite (mod_rewrite), uploads & URL includes (allow_url_include) are also available. Safe mode off. Own PHP settings possible via .htaccess and ini_set().


Ready if ordered now.

A Small Enterprise Server is already in your basket.





  from the Dominican Republic: +49 30 32 70 18 92 •  GmbH, Sensburger Allee 27, D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
Your purchase is tax-free, because you order from a non-EU country. 5) In the timezone EDT (America/Santo_Domingo). The allocation time is an estimate based on experience. The actual allocation depends on many influences. © 2024  GmbH. All rights reserved. and the logo are registered trademarks of GmbH. For photo credits see imprint.

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